FRANCESCO CIGANA (Francesco Cigana, Coro Nova Symphonia Patavina)
Francesco Cigana _ percussioni selezionate _ conduzione
Ospite _ Coro Nova Symphonia Patavina
Francesco Cigana è un giovane musicista e improvvisatore con all'attivo già molte collaborazioni, promuove e divulga la musica improvvisata e gestisce DOOOM Orchestra e Darkness Session - Concerto al Buio. In questo album esplora, da batterista e in maniera personale, la percussione, di cui seleziona tamburi della batteria, grancassa e piatti selezionati che suona con tecniche estese, per una musica densa e scura, verrebbe da dire dal sapore industrial, ma sarebbe un eufemismo fuori luogo. Registrato e mixato da Mirko Brigo, i brani 1, 2, 3, 4 e 5 sono stati registrati al 3971 Studio di Padova nell'agosto 2018. Il pezzo 6 è stato registrato alla Chiesa di Sant'Antonio Abate (Padova) nel novembre 2018. Ospite il Coro Nova Symphonia Patavina, diretto da Francesco Cigana.
"(...) Difficult to listen to this record by the Paduan percussionist Francesco Cigana without directly relating the mind to the work of Z’EV, in fact quoted among the main sources of inspiration. The way in which the resonances of the skins are exploited, depending on their manipulation; the ominous “industrial” roar born from the union of skillful rolling, alternative techniques and reverberant environment; the sustained pulse, whether subterranean or clearly distinguishable; the metallic clattering typically associated with this type of percussive improvisation.
Cigana has worked, in between other situations, as an actor and juggler; his multiple talents are enhanced by a definite sensitivity. It is the latter that allows this music to appear coherent enough at an improvisational level, and rather momentous from the point of view of timbral overexcitation. Across the shamanistic atmosphere generated by the constant beat of “Acknowledgement”, Cigana adds animated shouting to the rest of the sounds before a turbulent finale. Instead, “Octahedron” morphs the instrumental traits into a dissonant vocal choir, closing the album in a surprising and intelligent way. Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes, 2020.
01 _ Pangea 3:15
02 _ Oceans from this lake 12:02
03 _ Ascra 6:18
04 _ Acknowledgement 7:57
05 _ Technische 4:57
06 _ Octahedron 10:41
(C) + (P) 2019
Francesco Cigana _ selected percussions _ conduction
Guest _ Coro Nova Symphonia Patavina
Francesco Cigana is a musician and improviser with many collaborations already, he promotes and spreads improvised music and manages DOOOM Orchestra and Darkness Session - Concerto al Buio. In this album he explores, as a drummer and in a personal way, the percussion, of which he selects drums of a drum-set, grancassa and selected cymbals that he plays with extended techniques, for a dense and dark music, one would say from the industrial taste, but it would be an euphemism out of place.
From the liner notes: "No electronics or overdubs were used. Sounds were treated as lightly as possible in order to preserve the original acoustic take. This record was written like a book: each chapter/track based and inspired by the previous one, using improvisation as a tool and guide to channel creative drive and inspiration. I challenged myself to truly follow where the musical path unfold, without deciding in advance what kind of music I wanted as result. It could have been a pop album. But I guess it’s not. If possible, please listen the tracks following the setlist order, for they were created this way. Core concepts: repetition, timbric research, improvisation, extended techniques, resonance.
Recorded and mixed by Mirko Brigo, tracks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have been recorded at 3971 Studio (Pd) on August 2018, track 6 has been recorded at Chiesa di Sant’Antonio Abate (Padova, Italy) in November 2018. Guest the Coro Nova Symphonia Patavina, conducted by Francesco Cigana.
“Minha alma é uma orquestra oculta; não sei que instrumentos
tange e range, cordas e harpas, tímbales e tambores, dentro de mim.
Só me conheço como sinfonia.” F. P.
"(...) Difficult to listen to this record by the Paduan percussionist Francesco Cigana without directly relating the mind to the work of Z’EV, in fact quoted among the main sources of inspiration. The way in which the resonances of the skins are exploited, depending on their manipulation; the ominous “industrial” roar born from the union of skillful rolling, alternative techniques and reverberant environment; the sustained pulse, whether subterranean or clearly distinguishable; the metallic clattering typically associated with this type of percussive improvisation.
Cigana has worked, in between other situations, as an actor and juggler; his multiple talents are enhanced by a definite sensitivity. It is the latter that allows this music to appear coherent enough at an improvisational level, and rather momentous from the point of view of timbral overexcitation. Across the shamanistic atmosphere generated by the constant beat of “Acknowledgement”, Cigana adds animated shouting to the rest of the sounds before a turbulent finale. Instead, “Octahedron” morphs the instrumental traits into a dissonant vocal choir, closing the album in a surprising and intelligent way. Massimo Ricci, Touching Extremes, 2020.
01 _ Pangea 3:15
02 _ Oceans from this lake 12:02
03 _ Ascra 6:18
04 _ Acknowledgement 7:57
05 _ Technische 4:57
06 _ Octahedron 10:41
(C) + (P) 2019